Our Fairy Quest: ‘An Adventure in Stardust Dell’ sees visiting fairies, pixies, elves and other magical folk, from a neighbouring magic forest, take a stroll in Stardust Dell.
They soon discover a nasty spell has been cast on the Dell, which has taken all the magic away and forced the all the folk into hiding! The visitors must do what they can to reverse it!
After discovering the spells secrets, the fairy visitors follow steps to bring the magic back. Uncovering hidden magic words, casting and chanting and bringing the colour back, before finally using a magical potion to bring back the fairy King and Queen, the magic folk have done it! The magic is restored!
There is only one thing left to do and that is find all the hiding fairy folk and bring them back to Stardust Dell!
This quest does include the recognition of letters and numbers, and so may require additional guidance for younger guests.
Fairy Quest
This Quest should take approximately:
45-60 Minutes - Prop preparation
30 Minutes - Quest Day Set up
Please also keep in mind when for preparing your quest how long it will take to decorate. Even simple decor can take considerable time to execute.